Adam Leis

Green Eggs & Ham Word Counter - Vanilla JS

tl;dr: see my Green Eggs & Ham play project

I’ve begun a project series centered around counting the words from the classic Dr. Seuss book Green Eggs & Ham. It’s quite simple: count how many words are in the book, and display them in a table of some kind. Extra points for providing sorting controls.

This can be done with any medium. I’m starting with web, because it’s what I know. Vanilla JS is the simplest (for me) approach, and I can make it look nice. Well, as nice as an eye-scorching burn orange can be.

Future instances of the project will play with different delivery UIs: Python for CLI, Go for server-rendered web page, etc.

Iterating on the same idea with slight variations of tech implementation will allow me to focus on the differences for learning purposes (e.g. learning a new language, framework, environment, etc.).

If you’re interested in trying to for yourself, go to the site. If you want to get started on your own project, fork my repo.

Either way, enjoy, and hit me up on the socials. Happy building.