Adam Leis

Mock Service Worker Reminder

I’ve been using Mock Service Worker (MSW) for a couple of years now, and it’s really been a game-changer. I love not worrying about mocking implementations of services and mocking the API response instead. It’s brilliant.

The Issue

I frequently find myself having a similar problem though, which is entirely on my end. I keep getting requests returning my markup instead of the desired JSON data. That obviously causes bad requests or handling of data. For example…

Example JSON Parse Result Example JSON Parse Result
Example JSON Parse Result

The Solution

The source of my problem relatively simple: I’m making requests too soon.

My current setup is to call worker.start() inside of a helper function that only optionally loads the MSW resources. This helps keep my production bundle size smaller. There is also a way to wait for the service worker to finish loading so that my particular problem doesn’t happen.

Kent C. Dodds had this issue addressed in Issue 73, which reminded me of how to wait for the workers to be ready. Specifically, @kettanaito’s answer shows that the start() method is async and needs to be awaited in order for requests to follow correctly. Of course!

I then found my most recent troublemaker in this instance of the problem. I was overly ambitious in making one of my modules (which makes the problem request) fetching data too early. It looks something like this:

import { computed } from 'vue';
import { getConfig } from './getConfig';

// 👇 the line that's calling too early
const config = getConfig(); // Promise<Config> where Config is a reactive Vue object

const origin = computed(() => config?.someOrigin ?? '');
const link = computed(() => `${origin.value}/${endpoint}`);

export function useLink() {
    // … some caching logic for the config to only need to fetch it once…

    return link;

The solution ended up being simple this time. I just needed to move the initial fetch of the config to the useLink() composable so that it would be called after MSW’s load finishes.

import { computed } from 'vue';
import { getConfig } from './getConfig';

// 👇 the line that's calling too early
const { config, execute } = getConfig(); // refactored as a composable to return the reactive config, which will be updated once execute() finishes

const origin = computed(() => config?.someOrigin ?? '');
const link = computed(() => `${origin.value}/${endpoint}`);

export function useLink() {
    // … some caching logic for the config to only need to fetch it once…
    execute(); // just letting this resolve behind the scenes; the 
    return link;

Admittedly, I chopped up my original code somewhat to preserve private code, but this is the essence of the situation. Using a combo of reactivity and making calls at the right time, I could refactor to allow MSW to finish loading, which then allows the mocked config request to be handled by MSW.

The takeaway: don’t make requests before they’re ready to be handled in MSW.


I know this is a dev-setup issue and isn’t likely to be relevant in production or even dev-server testing (i.e. non-localhost). The API from which I fetch the config will already be up and running, so this is a moot issue regarding that.

However, I use MSW a lot, and it’s great to remember with clarity why I’ve run into this issue in the past. Hopefully by writing this post, I’ll remind myself and/or cement the knowledge in memory better.

Hope this helps, dear anonymous reader!