Adam Leis

Welcome! This site acts as my personal blog and portfolio. The various topics of interest I plan on exploring here range from web development, experimental web tech, technology in general, philosophy, religion, science, and more. Poke around and feel free to reach out.

[Relaunch Note:] this site is a work-in-progress. I’ve been struggling getting it relaunched due to the ebb-and-flow of life. I’m going to keep refining it and improving various features. I needed an MVP to just get something out there again. Don’t judge. Or… do judge, but be constructively critical and give me good notes.

Adam's Face

About Me

My name is Adam. I’ve been a professional web developer since 2010 (oh dang, 14 years). I started as a full stack developer in the early days of jQuery and pre-JS renaissance of the mid-teens. I then shifted to managing/building commercial WordPress websites for a few years. After that is when I discovered my love of the front-end focus and building UIs. (Don’t get me wrong, back-end work can be fun, but when I can stay out of databases and server configurations, I’m happiest.)

Currently, my favorite things about web today are UI-building (Vue.js for the win!), animations with both CSS and JS, interactive SVGs, and the amazing things that can be done with WebGL. The super stars platformed at awwwards are great examples of the type of bleeding-edge work I aspire to master.

On this site, if I’m consistent and following the plan, you’ll find some of the content focuses on web development and web-tech adjacent topics, but you’ll also likely find other postings on topics I find interesting. Time is always the limiting factor, and I’m not willing to trade time where I should be with my wife as a good husband or sons as a good father, so posts may be less frequent than I’d like, but I’ll do my best.

Please reach out through my social media to engage! I appreciate your thoughtful feedback where applicable.
